
gbIncludesJose works without a screen (no GUI) to modify the PBWin9 and PBWin10 include paths to point to the Jose Roca includes.

Download (v1.0, 0K)

Feature List

gbIncludesJOSE provides a variety of features.

Using gbIncludesJOSE

Just run the application to make the include path changes. No screen will appear, but a sound will be played to indicate that the changes were made.

In PBWin9 the include path is included in the PBWin.ini file, the "Compiler" section and the keys "Include0" through "Include9", with "Include0" being the highest priority inclucde path.

gbIncludesJose only modifies the "Include0" path, leaving all others unchanged.

In PBWin10 the include path is included in the PBWin.ini file, the "Paths" section and the keys "Include0" through "Include9", with "Include0" being the highest priority inclucde path.

gbIncludesJose only modifies the "Include0" path, leaving all other paths unchanged.

PBWin10 also places the include paths in the default.pbprj file, with similar "Include0" through "Include9" paths. gbIncludesJose modifies only the "Include0" path in default.pbprj, leaving all other paths unchanged.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!